Thursday, February 12, 2015

Polemic! Rikako Sasaki "Kudo is 1st and Takeuchi is 2nd!"

" 佐々木 だからモーニング娘。’15の工藤遥さんが憧れで、ずっと好きなんです。でも最近、2期メンバーの竹内朱莉さんが私の中の「イケメンランキング」に入ってきたんですよ! 工藤さん1位、竹内さん2位です!"

This is the big buzz topic of moment in Wotaland.
The phenomenon called Rikako Sasaki, throughout your exponent, and fast ascension.
I can even make a pun on the part of Shakespeare. Here comes a muse of fire, ascends the highest heaven of creation. the princes to act and monarchs to watch Sasaki in your wonderful scene.

His precocity, personality and charm this surprising everyone.
She knows she has the potential to be the greatest artist JPop, of all time.
She's smart, she's strategist, then play Rikako play.
Then she shot with ultimate weapon, for nothing more nor less,
that your heavenly colleague Akari Takeuchi.

Angerme’s new member Sasaki Rikako is reaching to become the universe’s #1 idol “complexes?
I don’t have any!”
2015 Shuu Pure NEWS picks “the idols that you should pay attention to this year”, it’s time for the 8th and last girl to make her appearance!

From the elite idol umbrella Hello!Project, a new member of Angerme (that used to be called S/mileage), we present you Sasaki Rikako! A mature beauty that you wouldn’t believe to be 13 years old, and the gap between her looks and personality… A suitable girl to be the last of the series, we will introduce you this ultimate weapon.

See the excerpt from the interview.2015 Shuu Pure NEWS (Shueisha Inc.).

— Laughing cutely. (lol) You’re 13 years old now and it’s been around 3 months since you joined Angerme. Have you already gotten used to it?

Sasaki: That’s right. At first I couldn’t speak up to my seniors myself, but now I’m starting to get closer to them. The one I talk with the most is 2nd generation member Katsuta Rina. We both love Disney so we talk about things like that and we’re getting more and more close lately. We also made a promise to go to Disneyland together!

— I see. That’s nice.

Sasaki: Also, by the way, I really like girls with shortcuts!

— Oh. And?

Sasaki: So, I’ve always liked and looked up to Morning Musume ‘15’s Kudo Haruka. But lately, 2nd generation’s Takeuchi Akari has joined my “ikemen (goodlooking boy) ranking”! Kudo is 1st and Takeuchi is 2nd!

— Takeuchi is indeed the shortcut girl in Angerme. But yeah, Kudo is certainly what you’d call an ‘ikemen girl’.

Sasaki: Yes! There are many girls who look up to Kudo! But I was the first one to start saying “so cool!!” about her! Because Kudo also says that “you were the first one to say that”!...

Full interview here:

What Sasaki wants, to create disharmony in the heaven.
This is a sacrilege!
Everyone knows that Akari Takeuchi is the number 1,
Kudo Haruka is only the number 5.
This is the current ranking Finnish 7 Hot Top:

1-Akari Takeuchi (Angerme)
2-Tomoko Kanazawa (Juice=Juice)
3-Ayumi Ishida (Morning Musume)
4-Rikako Sasaki (Angerme)
5-Kudo Haruka (Morning Musume)
6-Shimamura Uta (Country Girls)
7-Meimi Tamura (Angerme)

Sasaki jumping towards leadership.

Sasaki throws an unnecessary dispute between tomboys of Saitama.
But there is a limit to Rikako, there is only one place for tomboy in each group.
No matter if she plan your clothes, and all your closet for such pretension, this place is already inviolably of Akari Takeuchi inside of Angerme.

But why Sasaki does not support the co-own Angerme, she wants to be able, if it reaches Akari destroying his reign, will be able to climb, planning with wider steps to be the greatest idol of all time. However it is very hard to go up against Akari.
A path without controversy, his way for more triumphs Rikako, will be its own way.
Sasaki his talent is incontestable!

We know famous internal rivalry, red and blue battle between Sayashi and Ayumi for example, in which Ayumi established its 1st place on Morning Musume.
Now Sayashi have to dance the blue dance of Ayumi. I thought the Red had to lead, but the Blue of Ayumi and Akari changed my point of view.

This seems an Egyptian dance, container 40, 44 kg on the back and hands.
Sewing thread Made of India, Egypt's coming with the plague of Pharaoh, but I'm resistant.

Akari was born in Saitama, Haruka also was born in Saitama,
But another question is asked, what is the problem of Saitama and the androgyny.

Ps: The vocalist of  LoVendoЯ, is closely related to the number 1,
but Reina it is not the number 1,
She is the number 11!

Reina you are disgusting.
You disappoint me :D

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