Monday, October 7, 2019

Miki Nonaka 20th day of Chemotherapy.

Medical Report:  Miki Nonaka 20th day of chemotherapy.
     Boston, Massachusetts, October 07, 2019 – 19:00

Medical Report 1  - Physical and clinical conditions
Vital Signs: Temperature: 98.9      Heart Rate: 86      Respiratory Rate: 16
Blood Pressure:  180/102
General: Patient appear pleasant, well nourished, noted distress during "stabing" pain in chest.
ENT Exam: Normal
Lungs: Mild crackles, patient unable to take a deep, full breath.
Heart: No murmurs, no rubs, regular rate and rhythm.
Abdomen: No guarding or rigidity, no hernia notes, normal bowel sounds, soft, non-tender,
no distention.
Neurologic: Normal, alert and oriented.

Medical Report 2 – Some considerations.
Hello i am doctor Michael C. Murray (don't hurry that C. is Christopher and not Conr...)
Today is the 20th twentieth day of chemotherapy treatment of Miss Miki Nonaka, against
pancreatic cancer.
Chemotherapy is a treatment designed to eliminate fast growing cells,
it also ends up affecting healthy cells. These cells include those responsible for actions in the
digestive tract,
blood, and the cells that make hair grow. As a reaction, chemotherapy can end up causing hair loss, mouth sores,  nausea, pain and vomiting.
Miki Nonaka is reacting well to the treatment, still having a lot of hair, little vomiting and nausea.
Miki is receiving a very important emotional support, on the 20th day of chemotherapy, 
coincidentally his 20th birthday, we had a party here at the hospital, it was a very special moment.
But we avoid too much sugar.

I received letter from leader Mizuki Fukumura, do not worry Mizuki,
Miki are in good hands and   the best technology. Ayumi also showed great concern and votes of confidence in the medical team, thank you very much Ayumi.
Haga Akane, a very emotional message, I was very touched by
all your affection for Miki Nonaka, and make sure that your message motivates us.

I received too a message from Maria Makino, she asked me which team,
i support in MLB. Well Maria I am from Boston, of course
i support the Boston Red Sox, and it seems that here in United States
you support the New York Yankees.

PS: Poor Miki, the doctor is also a baseball fanatic. (@glauxberg)