Monday, January 20, 2014

Donald Duck - The Day That The World Lost Its Colors

I spoke so much about black and white lately, and one more thing happened with Black and White, now with participation of Donald Duck. Long time I do not read comic books. So a magazine was wanting attention. Practically calling me to read, it was on January 11, 2014.
The story is about the day that the world lost your colors.
The story starts with Donald wanting to change the routine, have a healthier lifestyle.
 So Donald has the idea to prepare an orange juice in the blender in the morning.

But the blender broke down, so he got the idea to bring for Gyro Gearloose, to fix the blender.
Donald finds Gyro Gearloose in the middle and a new experience with a new washing machine. Promising that your colors, always be vibrant even after many washes.

Donald asks a favor to fix the blender, then Gyro brings to another room to fix. 
But Donald is very curious and it mess the new machine, and fires a great ray. 
The Gyro returns with the blender repaired, but Donald and Gyro, realizes the first collateral effects of disaster. The Orange Juice is now gray.

So the colors of laboratory also disappear, including them 2.
Then the Gyro Gearloose despairs. And says that "the combination of Black and White will invade the whole planet."

Caos in traffic, because no one knows the color of traffic light.

Huey, Dewey, Louie up confused in play with the balls.

Daisy and her day of shopping, frustrated by end of the colors.

Even Scrooge's money also loses the colors.

Gyro Gearloose need to find solution to revert this big problem. So Gyro has the idea ​​finding the 3 basic colors, their strongest essence, still on the planet, almost all black and white.

The colors are Yellow of feather of a rare bird, in the Amazon rainforest. 
The Blue of a sea being in deep of ocean in Caribbean. 
And a Red flower on top of Mount Everest. 
But they need to be fast. So they get a supersonic aircraft called Vortex, of Scrooge, that own Gyro Gearloose invented.

After much effort they manage to return the colors to the world, feeding the cannon reverser radius ,with 3 basic colors. The Red flower, Yellow feather, and Blue of sea being. 
Donald was almost buried by an avalanche on Mount Everest, crushed by a hug from a snake in the Amazon and swelled due to an allergic reaction by poison of sea being.
But finally everything settled. And they prepare an orange juice with the original color orange.

The End.

This is the cover and the back cover. Look who's on the back cover the Muppets, with beautiful 
Miss Piggy.

After reading Donald I found something else by chance in the library. A book with  main inventions of mankind. A book with many pages. I opened exactly on the page that talked about the invention of the color photo.
The first color photograph made ​​by the three-color (like Donald and Gyro Gearloose story) 
Suggested method by James Clerk Maxwell in 1855, taken in 1861 by Thomas Sutton. The subject is a colored ribbon, usually described as a tartanribbon (Look above).

This is the book cover. Undoubtedly the lamp is the symbol of inventions and inventors.
Look Gyro Gearloose and his companion Little Helper.

An older photo of another magazine with Donald. wanting attention to be read by me.
It seems that the magazine wants out of the box.

I left the library and a few meters. Look what I found on the ground.
It seems that the color Yellow of Haruna ended.

Haruka Donald ♥ Daisy (ɔˆ³ˆ) Chu!

Duck Again GQuack ! :)
and more GQuack ! :)

Hi!! I Am Ai. I do not pressed the like button does not take again, the harmony of your number 14 ;D

オリジナルディズニーアイテム「高橋愛プロデュース Ver. I am スウェット)」
Shop Ameba Ai Takahashi T-Shirt @Disney
Donald Duck ♥ Daisy Duck

Cool it looks like in the comic books of Ai's T-Shirt, also talking about colors ...

In shopping mall with all colors
More a Snapshot of Love.

Good Night!
Konbanwa こんばんは
Tchau Boa Noite!

(ɔˆ³ˆ) Chu for you!

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